Wednesday, August 23, 2023

social consensus in the 21st century

The more educated people I talk to the more I realize I am profoundly Not Alone in feeling that something has gone kook in modern day America. Keeping in mind that all generalizations are wrong, although some may be useful, and that there are no simple solutions to complex problems, and don't trust anybody who says there are, I think there is an emergent consensus that there is an utter lack of consensus around the overall desirable direction of society, never mind the very existence of anything resembling american society in the original sense of the word (a collection of individuals sharing norms, beliefs, attitudes, customs, dress, music, etc.. unified by a shared sense of identity). There is no unifying identity in America, and there is no unifying and desired vision of the future. 

 What's worse, we seem to have competing visions of apocalypse - different desires for THE END clamoring for psychic attention - be it the civil war, the global holy war, or the smiting of the US civilization - and overall human civilization, at least industrialized civilization - by a vengeful planet.

What's the antidote to this profound state of desiring dystopia? Many return to strengthening the status quo, however imperfect it is - much like most of our climate resilience funding through the Inflation Reduction Act is being poured into building sea walls, dikes, dams, levees, and highways. 

I see a different way forward, to continue to develop and communicate a vision of a sustainable future based on regenerative systems of agro-ecology integrated into clean manufacturing, energy systems, and a complete reformulation of transit around light electric vehicles and human powered transport. A cycle of reciprocity between technology and ecology for the benefit of society. I have yet to find someone who disagrees with such a vision. Though I find many excuses for why it doesn't exist already, largely centered around the inertia and resistance of the present system of socio-economic and political relations that benefit from current trends in inequality and the current distribution of capital. By placing our focus not only on the vision and alternative - e.g. the best way to replace an outmoded system is not by fighting it but by constructing alternatives - but the inherent social and political struggle required to build alternatives, we can build momentum across diverse constituences to actually deliver a better quality of life through ecologically beneficial technologies..

that's it, that's my 2c for the day.

Thursday, February 4, 2021

CT Covid Data Transparency

 I was  really annoyed that the CT Covid Data portal map is more or less useless in the current covid crisis. 





I decided to see if I could make an more meaningful map of current case rates (really most recent data is only to Jan 23, 2021). After some wrangling of CT Town GIS data and the data available at the portal above, I created a snapshot of current cases broken down by quantile (20% of data in each bin). 

 Here you can clearly see that case rates are extremely variable, and concentrated in Eastern CT, Hartford area, and scattered towns in Western CT. It's not perfect. If there were meaningful more meaningful breaks (e.g. what level of overall infection could represent herd immunity, or very active community transmission) these tools could be even more improved so people would know the risk of infection in any given town. That being said, given our automobile nature, transmission is not going to be mediated just by infection rates of current residents.

R Code to produce image is below. Town Polygons are from

# ct covid vis
# zjgrabowski, feb 4, 2021

setwd("/Users/grabowsz/Google Drive/COVID/ct covid/")
ct.covid <- read.csv("data-VWkVr.csv")
ct.towns.sf <- as(ct.towns,"sf")
# clean up the weird polygons of water and islands
ct.towns.sf <- ct.towns.sf[grep("Inland",ct.towns.sf$COAST_POLY),]


ct.towns.covid <- merge(ct.towns.sf,ct.covid, by.x = "TOWN", by.y = "NAME")

  tm_polygons(col = "CaseRate",style = "quantile")