Saturday, October 25, 2008

a slight historical moment

this being our first post, i have taken the liberty of going ahead and setting this thing up, regardless of us (as pureInteractions) choosing to continue this blog through an alternate venue at a later point. Several things have precipitated this event: one a need and frustration to get out into the world and start doing/exchanging ideas with others who are interested, rather than just my friends who seem to be getting slightly sick of the crusade to save everything...

so lets get that straight, I wouldnt say that we are out to save the world: this is not another crusade; this is an honest attempt by reasonably intelligent people to create a tool, a method, and most importantly a mode of thought that can be applied to some of the more pressing problems posed by current human and environmental relations.

we will be part software, part implementation, part network, part thought and hopefully, part culture: our aim (as I see it) is to address the current disconnectednness of human beings and their environment: via waste, inefficiency, callous destruction of each other, self and other life, and most importantly, to do so through a framework that PROVIDES forward thinking solutions, rather than just another voice complaining about the eternally unsatisfactory state of affairs.

Im in cambridge trying to finish 16 things at once, so ill leave it at that for now, vague as usual: but still intent on applying ecological knowledge and systems principles to the design of human systems and modes of existence (commercial, industrial, residential, life, work, creation, and of course, food)...



cth said...

The one thing that all humans share in common is what we each call our lives. Whether they be rich or poor, sick or healthy, good or evil, happy or sad; everyone has only got one option to live through. The standard of living that option provides or affords is another story. Some would argue it is determined by a person’s integrity, courage, and intelligence. Others would say it is a direct result of the environment and the number of opportunities presented within it. I would say it is a combination of both, as having great fortune does not promise a happy life and having a happy life does not promise great fortune. Only what you do with yourself as a person has the ability to provide true happiness and I am convinced that this is what all humans search for.

Individually, we deal with reality on a daily basis. Collectively, we feed an evolving existence that is defined not by what our institutions embed in us about “reality", but instead by the objective state of the human condition. But, how one may perceive the level of suffering occurring on this planet is not always how many others will see it. The middle ground? Indisputable human development statistics.

Buddha once said, "a million people may believe a lie, but it is still a lie". What a minority currently perceive as the epicenter of progress and freedom-democracy, free markets, economic growth as a measure of prosperity- a majority perceive as an oppressing and depressing force in their life. With that said: think for yourself, question authority, and speak your mind. Our institutions are not broken, they simply need to be made fair and equal.

zjg said...

hmmmmm.... im not so sure how i feel about indisputable human development statistics: by definition statistics have some variance and are disputable, and Im also not sure how I feel about the word "development" as it normally means building some type of infrastructure, regardless of its true impacts on environment, culture, etc....

not to say there arent decent statistics out there, I think the WHO-QOL of decent in that it asks people directly about how they rate their quality of life,,, though there is a long way to go in addressing the processes that relate to a true quality of life, and how the market feeds into and off of them...